Thursday, January 15, 2009

Where is Popeye when you need him.

Usually when your parked in a WalMart lot there are other RV's in the lot with you. Well, there wasn't in this one. Didn't know why until I went to bed and was awaken about 20 minutes after I got to sleep by an ear piercing train horn. I thought the wind was rough the night in Alamogordo, but this might of been worse, at least for the first few seconds. I now know what it is like standing on railroad tracks with a train heading at you. I sat up in bed after being abruptly awaken thinking the RV was parked on the tracks. The horn just kept sounding and getting closer. I looked out the window trying to determine where in the world the tracks were. I really was thinking that engine was going to be pushing the RV down the track in seconds. I knew we'd never get off the tracks in time. My brain finally started working again and I realized the RV was in a parking lot, without any railroad tracks. Man, not a good way to wake up. Luckly after the third train came through an hour latter they quit for the night.

1 comment:

  1. Again, the clean underwear...good thing you keep parking in WalMart parking lots, convenience is a wonderful thing when you need new underwear!
