Monday, January 26, 2009

Saturday Night Festivities

Happy hour at the neighbors went well. It was a good old fashion patio party.The women formed a circle of chairs inside the car port, and the men formed their separate circle just inside of the door. Twenty different conversations started up, making it impossible to follow an individual conversation, but everyone was having a good time. It’s interesting listening to retired guy conversations. You’ve got 60+ years of B.S. built up and no one is afraid to spread it. Conversations start by one guy ripping into another one with a line of B.S. that no one could ever believe. It could be questioning their manhood, work ethic, maintenance of their car, trailer, yard, or questioning why their spouse puts up with them. One or two other guys deliver a couple more shots of B.S. Periods of laughter ensue. Then a normal conversation blends back into the cackle of conversations. These B.S. outbursts will periodically rise above the cackle as people come and go, or as they head toward the snack table. This stuff just rolls off these guys like water on a ducks back. It’s not a place for someone who might take comments about themselves personally.

Saturday night it was up to a county park on Usury Hill for a star gazing presentation. There were approx. 7 telescopes of differing types and sizes set up pointed at different planets, nebula, and clusters. They gave a short presentation, then let people look through the telescopes while they were pointing out constellations and informing people on what they can see with just a pair of binoculars. Many people showed up for this, which is great, but if you wanted to look through the telescopes, there were long lines of people. After a while of cutting in front of all the little kids to get a look through the scopes, the crying and whining got to be too much. So we left after a short time. OK, some of that wasn’t true, but there were a lot of people.

Sunday has been a very quiet day. I finished the book on the Lewis and Clark expedition. Wow, it had a surprise ending. Now seeing this was a nonfiction account of the Expedition, what does that say about my knowledge of history. Don’t know how that slipped by.

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