Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pool Side

I'm sitting near the pool, which happens to be about 50 yards from a WiFi antenna. The park offers free WiFi, but few people can actually use it. There aren't enough hot spots in the park, and I think with all the aluminum trailers the signal is bouncing in every which direction. I can sit in one specific spot in the RV with the laptop in a certain position, within 6 inches in any direction and I can get a 1 meg connection that works most of the time. Any other spot, or even outside the RV and the signal is bad. So today I walked to the pool area and now have a clean 54 meg connection. The negative is I only have the duration of my battery charge to get all of my surfing in. Don't worry, I'm tough, I can handle it. Might start coming to this spot everyday, there is even piped in music that I don't mind listening to, but it is a little hard to hear over the sound of flowing water from the waterfall fountain running directly behind me. But as I said, I'm tough, I'll endure it somehow.

Weather: partly cloudy, slight breeze, 76 degrees

Speaking of WiFI, I looked at a neighbors connection the other day trying to get a useable signal. They wanted to pay me in some way, but I kept refusing, I didn't spend that much time with it. So I finally said they could buy me a beer sometime. Yesterday he yelled across the street to us that he had the beer, to come over and and get paid. So I've got a cold beer waiting for me at the neighbors. I think if I wanted to work on wireless down here I could be drunk almost all the time. Wouldn't be good for my liver though.

I'm starting to feel a little guilty the way I'm laying it on in the first paragraph about being pool side, but I checked your weather up north and you'll be in the upper 20's the next couple of days, so I think I can get away with a little ribbing.

Battery below 30%, time to end it. Next time, more observations from the trip, and not so much rubbing in the nice weather.

1 comment:

  1. Diane, you do have some connects to AODA Counselors...right????

    I don't really recall the 20's in the past month or two!!
