Friday, January 2, 2009

First Day of Camp complete

The watch alarm did go off at 6 am, and I grabbed a shower, bowl of cereal and some coffee. Next I loaded my stuff in the motor home, minus the lost flashlight. Lastly took a couple of pictures, said goodbye to Diane, and off we go at 7:35.

Turned south on 151 and headed toward Madison. This was my practice stretch piloting the 22 ton missile that barely fits between the lines on the road. In order to expedite my training, Paul set me up in a right to left crosswind to teach me how hard it would be to drive a billboard down the highway. This was excellent training; we’re still all alive, so obviously I learned fast.

We made it to an RV campground just north of St. Louis just before sunset. The snow has finally melted from the roof, and the temperature is in the low 40’s. They charge for extra passengers, but I looked forlorn enough that the woman at the desk said she wouldn’t charge for me. Evidently she could read the results of my retirement investments in my face.

Paul assigned me the task of locking all of the outside compartments on the RV, evidently after seeing me piloting the RV convinced him to give me a task I could be successful at. Well, the first compartment the key didn’t turn, so much for the easy tasks.

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