Thursday, January 22, 2009

Change is in the Air

The weather has changed today. It was cloudy and raining this morning, at least raining for a little while. Cloudy until 3 this afternoon, so the temperature didn’t get above 70 until late afternoon.

Since it was cool today, I’ve been reading a book about the Lewis and Clark Expedition. There was plenty of action toward the end of the book. Lewis got shot in the rear end by one of his men when they were elk hunting in the willows. He had to command his expedition while lying on his stomach. When I put the book down, Lewis was fighting to keep exclusive book rights from the others in the party. Didn’t work out the way he wanted.

Took a long walk today, actually it was around the block but the blocks are about a mile long down here. This whole area is just RV park after RV park full of senior citizens. Then a thought crossed my mind. Isn’t this a prime spot for a Soylent factory? I think this would be one of the first spots they would manufacture Soylent Green. Possibly Florida, but with the wide open spaces out here I think it would be easier to build a plant out here in the desert. You know, some of the food costs down here are cheaper than at home. I first figured it was because they bring it up from Mexico, but I think I need to re-evaluate that thought. There are a lot of empty lots in these RV parks too. People think it’s because of the economy, I’m thinking the Soylent factory is running a second shift. With Roswell not to far away it’s feasible the aliens are involved in some way. Minimally, it would be an excellent export market if the aliens are trading with us earthlings. Man, now I have to start worrying about this. It makes sense, plenty of raw material, large desolate areas to build factories, an alien export market, RV parks have many empty spots. I haven’t heard anyone in the super markets yelling ‘IT’S PEOPLE! IT’S PEOPLE!’. But maybe that’s because I’m the only one who’s figured it out so far. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, there is a movie made in 1973 called Soylent Green that did an excellent job of forseeing the future….check it out. (actually it's not that good a movie)

Tomorrow we’re going over the mountains to eat hamburgers. That’s all I know about it, let you know how it turns out.

1 comment:

  1. I did have to look up Soylent Green...I think you have way too much time on your hands. Maybe you should find more elderly that need help with their WiFi for free beer!
