Friday, April 10, 2009

Event One: Culture

As you already should know by reading older posts, Shirley had gotten a free pass to the Modern Art Museum in Mesa, AZ by waiting in line at the Library. Thursday morning we headed to downtown Mesa to take advantage of them. Walking through the downtown was something we did, and obviously no one else did. There is this huge modern theatre and Art complex that seemed abandoned. After wandering for a bit we honed in on the Art Museum located a flight of stairs down from ground level. At the front counter Shirley started digging in her purse for the pass. The Lady at the counter immediately looked straight at Shirley and said 'Oh, the museum is free today, it's free every Thursday.' I could see the look of disappointment on Shirley's face as she realized her wait in line at the Library was a waste. Can you imagine being disappointed when you find out something is free? Isn't it a little foolish to hand out a limited number of free passes to something that is free one day a week anyway?

Well, ok, into the museum we go. Inside we find a limited time exhibit by Sergei Isupov called 'Androgyny'. Since my artistic side of my brain never formed as a baby, I have the ability to not get distracted by the artistic value or meaning of the exhibit. I can easily and logically describe this exhibit in two words--Ceramic Heads. That's it, there really isn't anything else I can say except they were about 4 feet tall and somewhat impressive looking. On to the next rooms where there were more ceramic or glazed figures scattered all over the floor. Then a room with paintings, and sketches. Since this is modern art, some of this stuff has just been finished and hung on the wall. I could almost smell the odor of fresh paint as the thick areas of paint on the art work dry out. Must be easier running a modern art museum. Just think, you don't have to preserve anything, and don't have to have curators dusting the old treasures.

So it's obvious not much culture rubbed off on me, bounced off like water on a duck's back. But it was interesting to see what the artistic thinking people come up with. I know my mind doesn't work that way.

Well, next post, on to the Titanic.

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