Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tuesday at Petrified Forest and Painted Desert

Monday we escaped the heat of the desert floor and headed 'Up North' to the Painted Desert. When you travel through the mountains all normal highway rules are off. You are spun off to the side away from the on coming traffic, and then you will cross over the top of the opposite lane and be driving on the left of the on coming lane. You spend an hour going up and down, side to side, every which way but straight and level. You end up on a two lane road in the snow on top of the mountains driving through what Arizona would consider 'Up North". This is where people escape too in the summer. Now there isn't anyone up here, because people in Arizona are whimps and can't handle the cold up here in the winter.(it was in the 40's on Monday). By the end of the day we were at Holbrook, AZ for the night.

Tuesday we headed to the Petrified Forest/Painted Desert. The weather was great. Never had to break out the winter coat. Sun was out with no breeze, so sweatshirts were enough for comfort. I took a tremendous number of pictures, enough to question my manhood in past coworkers eyes. I'm going to throw out a couple of pictures to bring you up to date on the Painted Desert, then tomorrow try to catch you up to the current time. I think Google lost my last blog update. So it looks like I'm two days behind. Of course I didn't have my posts to this blog backed up, so it's lost forever. Oh darn.

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