Thursday, September 24, 2009

This Machine Flys WIthout the Simulator!

My rebate slips are mailed off for my new computer parts, and now it's time to load up the free game that came with it; S.T.A.L.K.E.R-Clear Sky. Now I'm not one to get into first person shooters, but hey, it was free. Loaded it up and am learning the keyboard controls so I can live at least a couple minutes. The graphics are awesome, frame rates are just flying, very happy with my new machine. I'm a few hours into this game when I noticed a secondary use for this snappy machine. With winter coming, one can always use an extra space heater! I thought I was getting warm from the intense game action, well it turned out to be from the increase in room temperature being cranked out by my new creation. Wow, this thing really spews the heat when the shooting starts! Time to save the game and go over my cooling fan configuration. Scrounged up an additional fan to install in the case to see if I can keep it from glowing.


Seems to run a little cooler now, but on those cold winter days, expect me to be heavy into the battle. One must do what he needs to do to stay warm.


  1. John,

    You are running XP....why not linux what's up with that?

  2. Here's the long sad story. Number one, it's Microsoft Flight Simulator, need I say more? I don't want to slow it down by virtualizing or emulating Windows, that's just taking Linux to the religious level. I'm running XP on the 30 day eval until the 'happy words' OS comes out later this month. Then I'll hope MS Flight Simulator will run on MS Windows 7 64bit. Anyway, I have Linux running on this laptop and another machine in the basement. The machine in the basement I have Ubuntu Server running Virtual Box where I'm emulating XP attempting to run some older games of my son's that wouldn't be hurt with performance issues. I'm setting up some virtual OS templates where I can load a clean install then trash it trying out other software. Virtualization is mighty fine for playing with software!.
